
Friday, December 19, 2014

Mentality, 8 sleeps out

Well, 3 Bridges Marathon is only 8 sleeps away.  I still feel nothing really.  Starting to get a little excited about it.  My mentality right now is this is my race.  It is my first marathon.  I run it for sweet Sophia and for my loving, grandmother that I miss greatly.  I have to have fun.  And I have to focus on doing what I can do.  Listening to my body.  Running my pace.  Enjoying the journey.  This race though is to remind me and others that we must not take time for granted.  We need to love on others  We need to find the joy in life.  The joy though can only come from one place. 

Joy is defined by the Webster Dictionary as "a feeling of great happiness
: a source or cause of great happiness : something or someone that gives joy to someone".  I have found over my short time here that true joy can only come from the Lord.  This Christmas, I pray that my loved ones will all find true joy.  That they will grow closer to the Lord or find Him for the first time if they don't know Him yet.  Having a relationship with the Savior is the greatest gift one could get.  And it is a free gift.  You just have to accept it.  It doesn't mean that life will always be fun and easy.  But it does mean that you will always have someone walking beside you and giving you joy in all things.  The valleys and the mountain tops.  You will never have to walk through a trial or a triumph alone.  What joy!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Not really feeling anything

I had someone ask me the other day if I was getting nervous yet.  I am not.  I have 12 sleeps left before I run my first ever marathon.  I should be nervous.  I have pain in my hip and knee and foot.  I should be nervous. But I am not.  These last two weeks I am focusing on strength training and running a little, but not a lot.  Thinking the more rest I give my hip and foot the better.  The knee has always been an issue so that's no big surprise. 

I still think about what an honor this is going to be to get to run this race.  It is only my grandmother's birthday.  I wish she were here with me to watch me.  To cheer me on.  I know she would be proud of me.  She played a crucial role in who I am today.  And God tells me that through Him I am a woman.  A woman with a heart like my grandmothers.  It is also the birthday of one of my best friends.  And I have sweet Sophia to run for too.  That alone is a blessing.  She reminds me to be strong.

Monday, December 8, 2014

19 Sleeps and Counting...

The Duggar family may have 19 kids and counting (up), but I have 19 sleeps and counting (down).  If you have been following me, you know I have been battling a hip issue.  God is good and faithful.  He is healing me.  I have put my hope and trust in Him.  My faith is in Him.  Faith is believing without seeing.  It is easy to believe in what you see, but things are taken to a whole other level when you have believe without seeing.  Without anything tangible to wrap your hands on.  But I also see the rewards of faith in Jesus Christ as so much better than anything I can hold in my hands.  He is never failing.  He is never changing.  He will run and walk every step with me on December 27th as I honor the memory of my grandmother and run the miles for my sweet buddy Sophia Rose. 

I ran my 20 mile training run this past weekend.  I got tired.  My legs felt heavy.  But I kept pushing, and God kept my hip and legs going. I woke the following morning with no pain.  How amazing!  I haven't been pain free since before my half marathon at the end of October. 

God is good.  Have faith in Him and Him alone.  Man and this world will disappoint.  Will break our hearts.  But if we trust in the Lord, He will never fail us.  He may not give us what we want, but when He doesn't, we have to know that He always knows best.  There is no telling what is lying ahead that He is protecting us from. 

Train hard. Training pays off.  But rest too.  Rest days are as crucial as our training days.  Consistency.  Balance.  Variety.  Listen to your body.  Not your mind.  Your mind will give up on you.  Your body may give out, but make sure it is your body and not your mind.  Train well and your body will get your through.  My Savior gets me through.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

27 Sleeps...well, maybe only 26

Today I woke up thinking...only 27 more sleeps until my first marathon.  Wow.  (Unless I don't sleep tonight at all, as it seems to be, then it is only 26 sleeps).  And I haven't totally lived up to all I hoped this marathon training would do.  I calculated my miles this morning and was quite surprised though.  Although I didn't run 17 days of the month due to an injury, and several days I didn't run because I only run three to four times a week, I still go 90 miles in this month!  90!!!  That's crazy for me!  I feel good about the race.  It is coming quickly, but I am focused with the Optimized Fat Metabolism way of eating and focused in my training.  I am not getting to run quite as much as I would like as I am still battling this hip issue.  However, I am focused.  I am continuing to run what I can, strength train, and practice yoga.  Most importantly, I am praying.  I know God has a plan for me and this is part of that plan.  He will get me there.  My OFM way of eating and Vespa is going to also play a huge role in getting me to race day, through the 26.2 miles to crossing the finish line.  And it will get me there without soreness and pain the day after.  That's one of my favorite things about it.

There has been a lot of loss and disappointment around lately.  I am thankful that God has it all in his control.  I am blessed my family is safe and healthy.  I am blessed in many ways.  My heart breaks for my friends who are going through loss and disappointments right now.  But I am blessed by being in their lives.  Being there to pray for them and with them.  Being there to help them laugh.  To help them in whatever way God decides to use me to do so.  My heart still hurts for them, but I feel so blessed today to be used by God.  That's one of the many amazing things about my Savior.  He uses us and blesses us in His plan.  I in no way get pleasure and feel good that my loved ones hurt.  But I feel blessed and thankful that God has chosen me to be in their lives, to be there to help comfort them.

God does the comforting.  God is the one that gets us through our struggles and eases our pains.  But He uses people, humans.  And it is a blessing to know God is using you.  Accept Him as your Lord and Savior today if you haven't already.  Surrender yourself to His plan and see how He can use you.  I know He still has work for me to do. How?  Because I am still alive.  I am still here.  He isn't done with me yet.  He has decided that some have served Him faithfully for many years.  They have fulfilled His plan for their lives and He has taken them home.  It leaves us on this earth with a pain in our hearts.  We are only human and we feel grief, sorrow, and heartache.  But He will comfort us.  He will love on us.  He will bring us through.  He helps us to move forward as we recognize He has a plan for us too.  There are things for us to do here.  May I live every day for His honor and glory.  I know I won't do all He wants me to, as I am not perfect and am only human.  But I know that I desire to do my best for Him.  I have caused many stripes on His back, and I strive today to make Him smile. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Never forget, we are a blessed people

This is a season of Thanksgiving.  I am not sure why we choose only one short amount of time each year to focus on all we have to be thankful for.  This is something that we should do daily.  We should never take for granted all we have and all the people we are surrounded with. 

This time of year is a difficult time for me.  I lost my grandmother on the 12th of this month, and had to say goodbye to her on the 15th.  A blessing took place three years ago though on the 18th of this month as my sweet niece Kynsie was brought into this world.  It reminds me that my grandmother, who raised me as her own, would never want me to focus on what I lost the day she left this world, but would want me to focus on what blessings I have right now.  Today.  At this moment. 

When I decided to run a marathon, this was my focus.  To remind others that we must not take for granted our time.  Our time is so short and could end at any time.  I lost a lot of time with this amazing woman who was willing to give everything up to raise her grand-kids.  She did just that too.  I can't take back the time I lost.  But I can take advantage of the time I am given each day.  My grandmother used to tell me that she didn't want flowers and stuff at her funeral because we should give her flowers and stuff while she was alive so she could enjoy them.  She was big on us enjoying life and each other, not spending money on something after we lose someone.  What enjoyment does that person really get in flowers and stuff after they have left this world?  None.  Does it really give us comfort?  It doesn't me.  It gives me comfort to think about the good times we had, and to bask in the comfort that she brings me. 

As I read through this, I read the above statement about "...we must not take for granted our time."  Wow...time.  It seems so long ago that I decided and registered for my first marathon.  It was in May.  Today I sit here and have 32 days left before I run that marathon.  I didn't blog about my training as I planned.  I have trained.  Sometimes not as planned.  I have been battling a hip issue for a while now, and have lost some training time.  But I am keeping on moving forward.  What else can I do? 

This past weekend I ran two half marathons back to back.  One Saturday morning and one Sunday morning.  I have had to change how I do things with my training and just day to day, but I feel confident I can do this marathon.  I have to do so as it is to honor the memory of my grandmother.  This marathon will be so emotional for me.  To top it off, the focus is that we don't take our time with our loved ones for granted.  With the passing of Jacob Wells, the race director for my first marathon, it brings this on even stronger.  I am proud to be one of the 400 or so runners that will get to run this race.  I am nervous as I know I will personally face many challenges in the 26.2 miles to include lots of bridges.  I am nervous because I know that this is going to be emotional for everyone there.  There will be people there in the memory of Jacob just to honor him.  So many layers to what I am headed to.  I don't think there is any way to possibly train for this marathon.  I can train for the distance and I can attempt to train for the mental aspect of pushing through the pain (which I definitely did this weekend running the 26.2+ miles over the two days).  But what I can't train for is all the emotions I am going to experience.

It is hard to wrap my head around what is headed my way less than five weeks from now.  I think I am as ready as I can be honestly.  All I can do is love on those in my life right now.  I have so many friends and family who support and encourage me.   This weekend I was reminded of all my blessings.  God gives me grace and mercy.  He gave the ultimate sacrifice.  Something I can never repay.  I can live daily for Him and try to show His love to others by loving them and showing compassion.  High fives as Jacob did.  Jacob gave high fives literally and figuratively.  I am amazed at the life this man lived in his short time, and the way he touched so many.  Even those of us who never really knew him personally.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Seriously? November?

Geesh!  I can't believe it is November already!  I wrote my last post over a month ago.  I really don't know where time goes. 

So, I have made it to my 18 mile run.  And completely am being a slacker this week for some reason.  I guess as it turns off cold I am snuggling up in my warm bed more often.  Plus, schedules with my running buddies hasn't went great either. 

So, what do I have left?  I have this weekend which may be a low weekend.  I am running a four mile trail race with my husband.  I am thankful that he likes to run trails.  I won't get him further than four miles, but that's 45 minutes of time together doing something I love.  I am very proud of him.  Then I have a ten mile training run the next weekend.  The following I am running double half marathons (one Saturday morning and one Sunday morning).  I figure running 26.2 in a 24 hour period will be good training for me.  From there weekends will be: 10, 20, 12, 8, then it's race day.  Wow...race day is that close.  The 20 scares me as it is the weekend most of my running buddies will be in Memphis running the St. Judes races.  I have lots of running buddies though, so thinking I can get some to split the mileage up with me if I need to.  Or maybe new buddies will run with me.

So, 3 Bridges is my first marathon.  The race director suffered cardiac arrest last weekend at mile 19 of a race.  It blows my mind.  He is still in cardiac ICU, which is scary.  They all say he is a fighter.  I say my God is bigger than what is going on with him.  And I know that. Faith of a mustard seed right?  I also know that sometimes when our faith isn't strong enough, our christian brothers' and sisters' faith can be.

I have though a lot lately about our loved  ones.  We really never know when we may never see them again. I think of my grandmother often.  How much I miss her and how many regrets I have concerning the massive amount of time I wasted.  Time being hateful as a teenager.  Time I was living in a way that went against all she taught me to be. Time that I avoided because it was easier than seeing her suffer trying to do for me.  Time I should have been by her side, holding her hand, praying for her, telling her that I love her.  I am so thankful that my loved ones that are now in the hospital and members of the running community that are in the hospital, all have loved ones at their side.  My husband has an aunt that I always say hugs me how my grandmother used to hug me.  I am thankful for her in my life.  She is facing surgery soon.  I will do all I can to be there for her.  To be at her husband's side while he waits.  To be there to hug her and tell her that I love her.  I can't get back the time that I lost with my grandmother, but I can gain time with all my loved ones that are still here.  While I am still here. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Facing Defeat

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines defeated as "to win a victory over", "to cause to fall", "to control or overcome".  In the noun tense it is defined as "failure to succeed or win".  A synonym is "broken".  I have used the word broken over the last few days.  I couldn't really come up with another word.  Today I used the word defeated, as in I feel defeated.  Interesting those were the two words that came to mind over the last few days. 

No one likes to fail.  No one likes to admit when they have failed.  But sometimes we bite off more than we can chew.  Or maybe we just bite off more than someone else thinks we can chew.  And by their lack of support and encouragement we begin to see it as they do.  I don't know when the switch happened, but the driving force got turned off.  There was a time that being told that I couldn't accomplish something only made me want to work harder to show that I could.  Today, it makes me want to quit.

Maybe that's why it hurts to feel so defeated on this one.  It brings back memories of always being told what I can't do, and not really encouraged.  Instead of propelling me forward, it is pushing me down.  I don't like feeling like I am pushed in a corner.  Especially when I had a timeline set of when I would give in, give up, and admit that I can't hold up my end of the commitment.  Now I find myself giving up weeks early due to lack of support.  I know I may not really be able to pull it off, but being told that pushes me in a corner, a hole.  Deep.

I had made a note to blog about a devotional from a specific date.  It is on the broken cistern.  Funny thing as I go to that date, it is the incorrect one.  This one is Philippians 4.  It reads "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable - if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise - dwell on these things."  Dwell on these things.  I am looking at these thinking about how I have a moral obligation to give something my all, to not give up.  I see to dwell on the things that are holy and pure, not to dwell on the defeat I feel. 

Jeremiah 2:13 reads "For My people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that cannot hold water."

So, why do I feel defeated?  Partly because I am drinking from a broken cistern of this world.  Even the people who you love the most and trust the most, are still human and may say and do things that leave you feeling broken and defeated.  So, what I must do is ask myself who I am doing this for?  Who do I run for?  Who do I live to serve?  Who do I desire to glorify in my life? 

The commitment is not about me.  It is not about what I can do or cannot do.  If I truly want to honor God in my life, then I am to give it my best, and not give up just because someone else doesn't believe in my ability.  Will I still fail?  Possibly.  But I won't know until I try.  Will it still be hard if I have to go to the person I have made a commitment to and tell them that I can't accomplish what I have agreed to do?  Yes, it will be so hard.  But if I give it my all then I won't feel defeated when I have to do that.  I have not given it my all for the past two months. I decided the other day I would give it two more weeks.  Then I would decide.  So, through prayer and focus I will give it my all for two weeks.  With or without the support of others.  If I still fail, at least I will know I didn't just give up.  I should have been doing my best all along, but instead allowed my focus to change.  Do I regret it?  Yes!  But I can't change it.  But the grace of God is that I don't have to change my past mistakes.  I can lay them at His feet and turn from them, so that I can proceed forward and do the best to glorify Him. 

In two weeks when I have to admit that I can't meet this commitment, at least I will be quitting knowing that I tried, instead of quitting knowing that I haven't worked at all toward it in months. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Marathon training is going...

Well, I plan to be in here weekly at a minimum to discuss how marathon training is going and how God is working.  I haven't done so to this point. catch up...

I am in week three of my training.  So far, I have managed all my miles except for my recovery runs on Sundays.  I have that as a fifth run of the week and one that I consider optional.  So, I am happy with my accomplishments so far.

I think often about sweet Sophia and how strong she is.  How strong her mother is.  I have much respect for them both and am blessed to have them in my life.  I am so thankful to have Sophia to run for.  In a way I feel like this is a way that I am also drawing closer to my grandmother that has passed.  I have missed her so much and am honored to get to run this first 26.2 race on what would be her 90th birthday.  Honored.

In that, I am reminded how precious time is.  How precious our loved ones are.  How much we take for granted.  I have had many people enter in my life in the last three weeks.  For one, school has started back and so I have a whole new round of students.  I feel like so far this is my greatest group.  I have been teaching for six years and really can't think of a semester that I enjoyed all my classes so much.  The students are respectful (so far) and helpful.  One of my physical education classes I have 13 students who encourage each other the entire workout.  They aren't trying to "beat" each other, just to do their best.  I am so proud of this group already and we are only on week two.  I also have students that I know have been brought into my life for a reason.  Some that I feel I will get to be used to help them, and some that I believe are there to help me.  I love learning from others.  I have a student who is only a couple of years into his walk with the Lord and he is already so knowledgeable and shines God's light so bright.  He got to get baptized in the Jordan and walk where Christ walked.  How cool is that?!?!

I also know of many that have lost friends and loved ones in the past three weeks.  My heart breaks for each of them. Spend time with those you love.  Live life, don't just let life happen to you. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

It's Time...

Well, it is time.  Marathon training starts in five days for me.  In the process of training for this marathon, I will also be training for other races.  I have five half marathons between now and my marathon.  I also will have a couple of 5ks.  I will be pacing one of the half marathons so my training for the next two months will be all about running at a specific pace, all the while not losing my speed I have gained.  Two more of those half marathons will be back to back (one on Saturday and one on Sunday).  This is going to be a challenging task for me.  I almost keep typing the word difficult, but I don't like to think of things as difficult because that is a word that can be discouraging.  So, I choose to look at this as challenging.  It will be a challenge for sure, but God has brought me to this training and He will bring me through it.  However, as I have said so many times, if it isn't challenging me it isn't changing me.  I believe this applies to so much of life. 

This is where most of my details of my marathon training will be.  Lessons learned along the way, experiences, etc.  Please follow this blog if you want to stay updated on it.

Friday, May 23, 2014

It's Official and The Numbers are There

I made it official this morning. I have registered for my first marathon. I was up at 5:30 a.m. getting logged in the computer and waiting as the countdown timer ticked away.  I was nervous.  I hate bridges.  This race has three of them.  If that's not bad enough, I have to cross two of them twice.  So, I will go over bridges five times over the course of the marathon.  They are all over water.  I have ran over a bridge in a race before.  It was hard to breath.  I had to remain focused.  In the center of the lane.  Thought my friend was crazy because he stopped to use the Port-o-Potty that was at the peak of the bridge, against the side of the bridge.  I had to keep running and let him catch up with me later.  I have walked across one of these bridges before.  I had a full panic attack while doing so and wasn't sure I was going to make it.  I don't really care to go back to that bridge.  Guess I will be.  The idea of 26.2 miles is frightening too.  I have ran 14 half marathons and by the time the race happens I will have a total of 20-21 half marathons under my belt.  But running double that...well, it is intimidating.  So why am I doing?

Well, I am not doing it as a bucket list project.  Although many people do and that's okay.  I am doing it because I feel it is right.  My loving husband and I talked often about whether I would ever run a marathon and we both said no.  It's too hard on my body.  I won't be able to handle the training.  He didn't want to see me hobbling along dragging a leg for a month.  I feel very led to do this.  So, one day I prayed about it and chose to run an 18 miler with a friend who was training for her first marathon.  We did a half marathon and then ran 5 more miles.  We ended up with 18.22 that day.  So, I prayed and said if I can do this 18 with her and still move the next day then I will do this.  And so the training run happened, then I woke the next morning and hiked/ran 4 miles.  I knew then God was ready for me to do this.  He had already told me that though, I just needed to know for sure.  The numbers are there.

You see this marathon is on Dec. 27th.  It's my grandmother's birthday and one my best friend/like a sister's birthday.  My grandmother was my mother.  She raised me and my brother since I was about 5 years old.  On race day, my grandmother will have been passed away for 13.1 years.  Which you multiply by two (two of the dearest people to me share that birthday) and you get the distance I will run on race day.  This wasn't enough for me.  So, I said okay Lord if this is for real and there is a purpose in me going through with this marathon I need more.  I need to know that I know that I know that this is what I need to do.  And I thought this as I drove home.  I tried everything to make something out of 90.  You see if my grandmother was still living she would be 90 years young.  90.  Nothing.  9.  Nothing.  I couldn't come up with it.  I drove home.  Sat in my recliner and relaxed.  Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

How far is it from my house to the race?  So, I pulled it up on the GPS on my phone.  From my house to the parking lot of the race...45.0 miles.  Multiplied by two and you get my 90 I needed.  The mileage wasn't 45.1, or 44.9.  It was 45.0 miles exactly.  This race is going to happen.  As long as it remains in God's will.  And if it doesn't, it will be because God has another plan, but needs me to begin this process for Him to do what He wills.

GPS.  I use it often to help me find my way on the road.  GPS.  I use it all the time to help me find my way in life.  God's Plan of Salvation. The best GPS there ever could be.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Little Rock Half Marathon

The 2014 Little Rock Half Marathon was scheduled for March 2 this year.  I wasn't initially planning on doing it because it is the same date as my husband's birthday.  I have such a supportive husband though and he encouraged me to go ahead and run it if I wanted to.  My only goal this year was to beat my time from the same race last year.  Last year we had cool, but good weather.  I remember wishing one time that I hadn't given up my jacket when I had passed my husband earlier, but other than that, it was enjoyable weather.  I finished last year in 2:32. 

This year I did beat my 14 minutes.  It was a cold, windy, and wet day.  The conditions were not only uncomfortable, but miserable at times.  The wind blew so hard at one point, that I and another runner were pushed sideways.  There was a rainy drizzle going on pretty much the entire time.  The temperatures were dropping the entire race.  By the end of the race it was so cold and my feet were wet and my hands were numb.  My muscles wouldn't even stay warm while I was running.  They were beginning to get cold and tight.  I paused several times along the course to stretch a little.  I know only God got me through those conditions safely. 

My finish time was 2:18.  This was my tenth half marathon, eleventh if you consider virtuals.  I ran a virtual half for my buddy Sophia last year.  I have finally be led to the right nutrition and supplements for me.  And I am loving it!  Vespa CV-25 has been the best thing for my running.  I used it this year along with not following the whole carb loading theory that so many push.  And it paid off.  I am not the slightest sore this morning.  I am thankful for that.  I wonder if the weather conditions had been different if my time would have been even better.  I figure so, as I know getting up some of those inclines with the strong wind pushing back on my face so hard was not only difficult, but actually slowed me down.  It doesn't matter though.  I did meet my goal this year, but much more than I thought I would.  My first six miles I had a ten minute average pace, which is just incredible for me.

I have 11 more races at a minimum this year.  The last one will be a marathon.  My first marathon.   I am excited to see what the year holds for my racing and for my physical body.  I am excited to see what Vespa All Natural Amino Acid Supplement, combined with proper nutrition and training, will do for my performance and my fitness.  God is leading me into an exciting year and I look forward to see how He will use this.  Remember, what doesn't challenge you, doesn't change you. Hm, maybe that should have been the title of this post.  This LR race was definitely challenging, and I can see changes in not only me, but in my running community that was there fighting through the difficult weather/race.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


According to, joy is defined as:

1. the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation.
2. a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated.
3.the expression or display of glad feeling; festive gaiety.
4.a state of happiness or felicity.
verb (used without object) feel joy; be glad; rejoice.
One day sitting in church the preacher I was listening to made the comment that true joy can only come from the Lord.  That struck a chord with me.  What I have learned since then, is he was correct.  I have a lot of respect for this preacher and always have.  He preaches The Word.  He lives what he preaches.  Therefore, he lives out The Word.  A quote I really love is "You may be the only bible that a person reads."  I don't know who said that, but I think about it a lot.  

So, on joy.  I have been happy.  I have been ecstatic.  But have I felt joy?  Yes.  Is it something I experience daily?  No.  Does life have to be going perfect for joy to be felt?  I don't believe so.  There is something about true joy that makes me know in my heart that it only comes from the Lord.  The times I have experienced the intense feeling of joy have been a mix of circumstances.  Some days it is not a good day and it is after prayer that I have a feeling that washes over me making me feel whole again.  Some days I am having a great day when I feel joy.  Some days it is just a day that I feel joy.  But there is a common thread that happens every day that I have felt joy.  No matter what is going on around me, no matter what my circumstances, one thing always takes place.  I have always just finished praising God or asking for His help.  When true joy has been felt it is unmistakeable.  There is a washing of joy over my body that starts at my head and runs to my toes.  It is a feeling that makes me want to run around and jump up and down and shout from the mountain tops.  It is not a feeling that comes from anything in the world.  There is nothing "exceptional" to me in this world, and what could be described as such I always feel God's presence in it.  The feeling I link to joy, as a depth that I have only felt when I have felt that washing.  Without Him I am nothing.
Romans 15:13 says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Slow start, but doing more miles

Well, it looks like I have had a slow start to the year.  I was sick at the end of 2013 so I didn't run a lot before I went to MS Blues and ran the half there.  It was a struggle of a run too.  I got back at and did great the week after, but this week have slowed down.  I think the cold coming back in has gotten to me.  I ran 5 miles on Monday, but haven't ran since.  I will be running the Team Loco Half Marathon this week, plus adding five miles.  Not sure I am really ready for 18 miles, but I have a game plan and figure since I haven't ran much it shouldn't be too much of an increase.  We will see.  I will be running 3/4 of a mile and walking 1/4.  So my plan is that by walking 25% of every mile I should have enough rest time to keep my muscles from fatiguing to quickly.  Again, we will see. 

I feel like God has a plan for me in my running and with all that I will be doing this year for Him.  I praise Him tonight for His blessings and answered prayers as I have gotten good reports.  I set here tonight and realize that I have a lot of races coming up.  This hit me when I realized that I must take my medals down from my light fixture over the table so that they don't pull it down.  My husband stated "Yes, if you plan to bring home 14 more."  I thought about it and realize that a few of my races won't have medals, but then one of them will have two (I am running a half and relay at the same time) and then I have some shorter races and virtual races that will have medals.  Therefore, I will possibly bring home more than 14.  The next race is Saturday, plus 5 more miles.  My next virtual race isn't until March and is for my running buddy, Sophia.  I have two medals already that I need to get sent to her soon.  I am very excited about all the races coming up.  Some distance, some fun, some muddy.  I have a plan.

I have a plan.  It's not my plan though and I really don't know the plan fully yet.  Just that I need to be running.  I feel like 2015 is my year for my first marathon, but am now being led to this year at the end of the year.  There is a marathon an hour away that is on my grandmother's birthday.  She is precious to me and took me and my brother in as her own to raise us.  She left her life here to live with our Savior over ten years ago.  I think about her often and feel like I couldn't think of a better time to run my first marathon than on her birthday.  I will be running for two people that memory of my grandmother and in honor of Sweet Sophia Rose.  She has some amazing things coming her way this year.  I can feel it.

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." unknown
" For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I thank God that He has a plan and is revealing it to me.  So thankful he is using me to glorify Him and help others.  I am scared of the unknown, but know that He is in control and so there is nothing to fear. 

Here is a picture from my latest half.  The medal was the best yet!  I was blessed to have my friend Heather at my side.  She is on the 14 races in 14.  It was her idea actually and I am glad to have taken the challenge.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Been a little missing in action recently.  It's sad too because I know God had laid a blog post on my heart, but I didn't get on here to post it.  Now I am left with a blank slate and no remembrance of what He wanted to write about. I had a fast holiday break with a week of me not feeling well at all. Couldn't even keep water or 7up down and no food or anything for three days of that week.  It's taking me some time to recover from that. 

I ended 2013 with 658.5 miles.  184.8 miles was ran since October 15 when I got matched to Sweet Sophia.  That's about 20% of my year was spent running for Sophia and about 28% of my miles were for her.  I like that, especially since I was sick for part of that time and I still got a good percentage of overall miles for her. 

I think it's very important in life to set goals for yourself.  Not resolutions as people never stick to those.  They need to be goals.  Goals are something that can be adjusted as you go.  Goals are focused on behaviors not outcomes.  Goals help a person to stay focused.  Resolutions commonly are short term things that we don't stick to.  I think for a different is that resolutions were always something I would say I wanted to do and I did, but I never looked at them as part of my lifestyle.  Goals are something I see as my lifestyle and they help propel me forward down the path I am headed.  So, I have set goals for this year of 2014. 

1. Walk/run 750-1,000 miles for Sophia.  I would love to make it 1448ish miles, as that is the distance between me and her.  But I know that is more than double what I did this past year so it wouldn't be a realistic one.  That's a biggie with goals....they need to be realistic.
2. Run 10-14 half marathons. (This is aside from the 5ks, 10ks, trails and obstacles races I have on my calendar). A secondary part of this goal is that four of those half marathons will be within a 21 day period in November.  And really I am thinking any of the 10+ mile races count.  Anything above a 10K (6.2 miles).
3. Run a 25k (15.5 miles). 
4. Strength train two-three a week (this means actually picking up weights and lifting them, not calling my yoga good enough).
5. Eat clean 90% of the time. (Taking the 100 days of real food pledges).
6. Always be involved in a bible study that I will spend time on daily. I had started one and didn't even finish the first week of it so I will begin with that one. It's on the fruits of the Spirit and is by Beth Moore.
7. Keep balance by having months where I run no races unless they are with my family. I will have months where I will not run races as to have plenty of free weekends to do things other than run. This will most likely be in the warmer months as I love to float too and don't want to take away from that. Gotta keep balance in my life.
8. Will have some challenge that I give myself each month. January is ab challenge month. I will decide each one as I go based on what I am struggling with and need to focus on.

I am a week in basically.  Mileage is low for this week from where I need to be.  It's been cold and I am still been trying to get back to feeling good after being sick at the end of the year.  I definitely planned on picking up on that, but now am resting a bruised heel from the trail run I did this past weekend.  Trail running is my thing I have decided though.  I love it.  The views are incredible.  I have been online scouting trail races in the area.  I have not picked up a weight at all, but am sticking with the ab challenge this month.  So far I have hit all my workouts.  Clean eating has been another story, but things take time.

Things take time.  That's a lesson I have been learning.  Running is not something that came natural to me.  I have to work at it.  There is another distinction between goals and resolutions.  If these were resolutions, then I would have already broken or given up on most of them.  But they are goals.  That means I don't quit when I don't do something one day that I said I would.  I keep working at it.  Things get easier, but it takes time.  These are things I want to be doing by the end of the year.  So if it takes me until then to get consistent with my eating and bible study and strength training then it does. The goal is to meet it within the next 12 months.  It won't magically happen today.  But if I keep at it, it will happen by the end of this year God has blessed me with so far.

The Purposeful Runner.  I have a purpose  I am still trying to discover fully what God is doing with me as a purposeful runner, but I know He has a plan.