
Sunday, November 30, 2014

27 Sleeps...well, maybe only 26

Today I woke up thinking...only 27 more sleeps until my first marathon.  Wow.  (Unless I don't sleep tonight at all, as it seems to be, then it is only 26 sleeps).  And I haven't totally lived up to all I hoped this marathon training would do.  I calculated my miles this morning and was quite surprised though.  Although I didn't run 17 days of the month due to an injury, and several days I didn't run because I only run three to four times a week, I still go 90 miles in this month!  90!!!  That's crazy for me!  I feel good about the race.  It is coming quickly, but I am focused with the Optimized Fat Metabolism way of eating and focused in my training.  I am not getting to run quite as much as I would like as I am still battling this hip issue.  However, I am focused.  I am continuing to run what I can, strength train, and practice yoga.  Most importantly, I am praying.  I know God has a plan for me and this is part of that plan.  He will get me there.  My OFM way of eating and Vespa is going to also play a huge role in getting me to race day, through the 26.2 miles to crossing the finish line.  And it will get me there without soreness and pain the day after.  That's one of my favorite things about it.

There has been a lot of loss and disappointment around lately.  I am thankful that God has it all in his control.  I am blessed my family is safe and healthy.  I am blessed in many ways.  My heart breaks for my friends who are going through loss and disappointments right now.  But I am blessed by being in their lives.  Being there to pray for them and with them.  Being there to help them laugh.  To help them in whatever way God decides to use me to do so.  My heart still hurts for them, but I feel so blessed today to be used by God.  That's one of the many amazing things about my Savior.  He uses us and blesses us in His plan.  I in no way get pleasure and feel good that my loved ones hurt.  But I feel blessed and thankful that God has chosen me to be in their lives, to be there to help comfort them.

God does the comforting.  God is the one that gets us through our struggles and eases our pains.  But He uses people, humans.  And it is a blessing to know God is using you.  Accept Him as your Lord and Savior today if you haven't already.  Surrender yourself to His plan and see how He can use you.  I know He still has work for me to do. How?  Because I am still alive.  I am still here.  He isn't done with me yet.  He has decided that some have served Him faithfully for many years.  They have fulfilled His plan for their lives and He has taken them home.  It leaves us on this earth with a pain in our hearts.  We are only human and we feel grief, sorrow, and heartache.  But He will comfort us.  He will love on us.  He will bring us through.  He helps us to move forward as we recognize He has a plan for us too.  There are things for us to do here.  May I live every day for His honor and glory.  I know I won't do all He wants me to, as I am not perfect and am only human.  But I know that I desire to do my best for Him.  I have caused many stripes on His back, and I strive today to make Him smile. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Never forget, we are a blessed people

This is a season of Thanksgiving.  I am not sure why we choose only one short amount of time each year to focus on all we have to be thankful for.  This is something that we should do daily.  We should never take for granted all we have and all the people we are surrounded with. 

This time of year is a difficult time for me.  I lost my grandmother on the 12th of this month, and had to say goodbye to her on the 15th.  A blessing took place three years ago though on the 18th of this month as my sweet niece Kynsie was brought into this world.  It reminds me that my grandmother, who raised me as her own, would never want me to focus on what I lost the day she left this world, but would want me to focus on what blessings I have right now.  Today.  At this moment. 

When I decided to run a marathon, this was my focus.  To remind others that we must not take for granted our time.  Our time is so short and could end at any time.  I lost a lot of time with this amazing woman who was willing to give everything up to raise her grand-kids.  She did just that too.  I can't take back the time I lost.  But I can take advantage of the time I am given each day.  My grandmother used to tell me that she didn't want flowers and stuff at her funeral because we should give her flowers and stuff while she was alive so she could enjoy them.  She was big on us enjoying life and each other, not spending money on something after we lose someone.  What enjoyment does that person really get in flowers and stuff after they have left this world?  None.  Does it really give us comfort?  It doesn't me.  It gives me comfort to think about the good times we had, and to bask in the comfort that she brings me. 

As I read through this, I read the above statement about "...we must not take for granted our time."  Wow...time.  It seems so long ago that I decided and registered for my first marathon.  It was in May.  Today I sit here and have 32 days left before I run that marathon.  I didn't blog about my training as I planned.  I have trained.  Sometimes not as planned.  I have been battling a hip issue for a while now, and have lost some training time.  But I am keeping on moving forward.  What else can I do? 

This past weekend I ran two half marathons back to back.  One Saturday morning and one Sunday morning.  I have had to change how I do things with my training and just day to day, but I feel confident I can do this marathon.  I have to do so as it is to honor the memory of my grandmother.  This marathon will be so emotional for me.  To top it off, the focus is that we don't take our time with our loved ones for granted.  With the passing of Jacob Wells, the race director for my first marathon, it brings this on even stronger.  I am proud to be one of the 400 or so runners that will get to run this race.  I am nervous as I know I will personally face many challenges in the 26.2 miles to include lots of bridges.  I am nervous because I know that this is going to be emotional for everyone there.  There will be people there in the memory of Jacob just to honor him.  So many layers to what I am headed to.  I don't think there is any way to possibly train for this marathon.  I can train for the distance and I can attempt to train for the mental aspect of pushing through the pain (which I definitely did this weekend running the 26.2+ miles over the two days).  But what I can't train for is all the emotions I am going to experience.

It is hard to wrap my head around what is headed my way less than five weeks from now.  I think I am as ready as I can be honestly.  All I can do is love on those in my life right now.  I have so many friends and family who support and encourage me.   This weekend I was reminded of all my blessings.  God gives me grace and mercy.  He gave the ultimate sacrifice.  Something I can never repay.  I can live daily for Him and try to show His love to others by loving them and showing compassion.  High fives as Jacob did.  Jacob gave high fives literally and figuratively.  I am amazed at the life this man lived in his short time, and the way he touched so many.  Even those of us who never really knew him personally.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Seriously? November?

Geesh!  I can't believe it is November already!  I wrote my last post over a month ago.  I really don't know where time goes. 

So, I have made it to my 18 mile run.  And completely am being a slacker this week for some reason.  I guess as it turns off cold I am snuggling up in my warm bed more often.  Plus, schedules with my running buddies hasn't went great either. 

So, what do I have left?  I have this weekend which may be a low weekend.  I am running a four mile trail race with my husband.  I am thankful that he likes to run trails.  I won't get him further than four miles, but that's 45 minutes of time together doing something I love.  I am very proud of him.  Then I have a ten mile training run the next weekend.  The following I am running double half marathons (one Saturday morning and one Sunday morning).  I figure running 26.2 in a 24 hour period will be good training for me.  From there weekends will be: 10, 20, 12, 8, then it's race day.  Wow...race day is that close.  The 20 scares me as it is the weekend most of my running buddies will be in Memphis running the St. Judes races.  I have lots of running buddies though, so thinking I can get some to split the mileage up with me if I need to.  Or maybe new buddies will run with me.

So, 3 Bridges is my first marathon.  The race director suffered cardiac arrest last weekend at mile 19 of a race.  It blows my mind.  He is still in cardiac ICU, which is scary.  They all say he is a fighter.  I say my God is bigger than what is going on with him.  And I know that. Faith of a mustard seed right?  I also know that sometimes when our faith isn't strong enough, our christian brothers' and sisters' faith can be.

I have though a lot lately about our loved  ones.  We really never know when we may never see them again. I think of my grandmother often.  How much I miss her and how many regrets I have concerning the massive amount of time I wasted.  Time being hateful as a teenager.  Time I was living in a way that went against all she taught me to be. Time that I avoided because it was easier than seeing her suffer trying to do for me.  Time I should have been by her side, holding her hand, praying for her, telling her that I love her.  I am so thankful that my loved ones that are now in the hospital and members of the running community that are in the hospital, all have loved ones at their side.  My husband has an aunt that I always say hugs me how my grandmother used to hug me.  I am thankful for her in my life.  She is facing surgery soon.  I will do all I can to be there for her.  To be at her husband's side while he waits.  To be there to hug her and tell her that I love her.  I can't get back the time that I lost with my grandmother, but I can gain time with all my loved ones that are still here.  While I am still here.