
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Feeling Blessed!

Today is one of those days where I feel like I was spinning my wheels.  You know those days where you just can't seem to get it together.  I would go to make copies and the copier was out of toner. I would go across campus to use the other copier only to get over there and realize I didn't have all the pieces of paper I thought I did.  So then I have to drive all over campus to find the papers I dropped, only to give up (it was windy today and I figured I would never find the papers as they probably had blown all over the place) and headed back to the office.  I get there to find the papers I couldn't find where located behind the garbage can under the edge of my desk.  All this eventually made me late getting back to my office and late to class.  I just sat in my car this morning as I drove to my office and asked God to just come help me.  I know that the "issues" I was having were small in the scheme of the world, but I also knew that I couldn't handle those little things with God coming to my aid.  My anxiety has been high these last few days and I just remember having to ask him to really come down and just walk with me today to help me keep my emotions in check.  I had great discussions in both of my classes.  And as the day has continued I just feel like God really showed up in my life today.  Nothing major, just really feeling his presence around me today.  I praise Him for that, as I know without Him I would be and could be nothing.

I was blessed today to not only get to run for my Sophia, but also we ran today in honor of a Marine who lost both his legs at his hips (which meant no prosthetic legs) and one of his arms while serving.  This guy continues to do all that he does though.  He skydives, skis, whatever he wants to do, he does.  I just love how he made the decision to not allow the obstacles to defeat him, he rose up and is defeating the obstacles.  I don't know this guy at all personally, but just from what I saw shared on him he is a light. I don't know what his faith is, but I know he has got some wonderful characteristics that we can all learn and grow from.  He has the ability to really reach out with his testimony and touch many lives. I pray for him today. I pray that if he doesn't know the Lord, that he will.  He could share God's love with so many.  He may be sharing already.  And even if not, he is living life in a way that shouts perseverance, persistence, victory, and much more.  Thank you to all our military that has served.  A special thanks to those who have lost a part of themselves while serving.  May you all be resilient. May you all feel God's love and touch on your lives.

I once heard this saying and it has really stuck with me..."Remember, you may be the only bible someone reads."  Live life today out loud.

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